Wednesday, May 16, 2012

ACC Medical Research

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Have you prayed for a 
medical research team lately?

Nancy was diagnosed with sublingual salivary (ACC). She had surgery in Dallas, the Neutron and Gamma Knife Radiation in Seattle, WA. She’s doing well, but she struggles with dry mouth and all the side effects.

Nancy is an ACCOI board member and wrote today:

I stay in touch with Oral Cancer Foundation and their news. I was very excited to read their latest news bulletin at

Researchers in Barcelona, Spain believe they may have found a way to avoid damaging salivary glands during radiotherapy treatment for head and neck cancer – a discovery that could improve the quality of life of 500,000 patients a year worldwide with the disease.

If you struggle with any cancer, you understand the importance of research.
Pray for every researcher and especially those who take on a rare cancer like ACC. 

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